Sunday, March 11, 2007

Pink People

Belinda Sims (Ken McPeek's stable manager) nicknamed us "Pink People" I guess these photographs prove her to be correct.

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Tommy and DeeDee Kessinger, Brenda Cottrell Tyree (holding our mascot), Lovell Cottrell, Karen Cottrell and Ray Cottrell Jr.

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Lucy and Randy Edwards, the breeders of Birdbird.

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My main man, Larry Green who assists Ray Cottrell Sr. with his racing operations and a hell of a nice guy!

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And me, John Maguire (AKA the website guy) with our mascot

1 comment:

Nellie said...

Inquiring minds want to know - what on earth is Birdbird's mascot, and where can I get one?! He (she? it?) is incredibly cute [clearly, I'm a girl and completely unable to act my age!].